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[165 Ph.D. dissertations]


[155 Ph.D. dissertations]

1.  Served as an External Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation, “Intercom­parison of Real-Time  Highflow Forecasting Models for Yamuna Catchment,” submitted by A.K. Gosain to Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, June, l984.

2. Served as an External Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation, “A Two­-Dimensional Finite Element   Model for Dispersion (2D-FED) in Coastal Aquifers,” submitted by M.M. Sherif to  Irrigation and Hydraulics Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, June, l987.

3. Served as an External Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation, “Systems Study of Tank Irrigation,” submitted by S. Ganapathi Mayya to Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Banglore, India, November, l987.

4.  Served as an External Examiner for  Ph.D. dissertation, “Entropy  Based  Redundancy  Measures in Water Distribution Network Design,” submitted by K. Awumah to Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, November, 1990.

5. Served as an External Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation, “Modelling for Flood Flows,” submitted by N.K. Goel to Department of Hydrology, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, December, 1990.

6. Served as an External Examiner for Ph.D. dissertation, “Modeling Evapotranspiration through Regression Analysis with a New Approach to Investigation of Interrelations among Climatological Variables,” submitted by R.S. Prasad, to Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1993.

7.  Served as an  External  Examiner for the  Ph.D. dissertation “Contribution A L'Estimation Des Crues Rares  A L 'Aide  Methodes  Deterministes - Apport  de la  Description Geomorphologique pour la Simulation des Processus d' ecoulement,” submitted by D.D. Berod to Department of Rural Engineering,  Swiss-Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,  Switzerland, December 1994.

8. Served as an External Examiner for the Ph.D. dissertation, “Entropy Principles in Prediction  of  Water  Quality  Values  at  Discontinued  Monitoring   Stations,”  submitted  by  A.S. Kusmulyano to Department of Civil Engineering and Building, Central Queensland  University,  Rockhampton, Australia, January 1995.

9.   Served as an External Examiner for the Ph.D. dissertation, “Reliability  Analysis of Water Distribution System,” submitted  by  M.L . Kansal to Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delhi, Delhi, February, 1997.

10. Served as an External Examiner for the Ph.D. dissertation, “Evaluation of Furrow Irrigation Models for South-East Australia,” submitted by M.E. Baiat to School of Agriculture and Rural Development, University of Western Sydney, Richmond, Australia, October 1997.

11.  Served as an  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph.D.  dissertation, A Numerical  Modeling of Contaminant Transport in Aquifer Systems,” submitted by A.K. Mohamed to Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai, India, February 1998.

12.  Served as an External Examiner  for the  Ph.D. dissertation, “Regionalization  of  Flood Extremes Using Pattern Analysis,” submitted by Ahmad Fakheri Fard to Department of  Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, July 1998.

13.  Served as an External  Examiner for the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Soil  Erosion,  Population Pressure  and  Conservation  Strategies  in  the  Riam  Kanan  Catchment, Indonesia,” submitted by Haji Moehansyah to Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture,  University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Richmond, Australia, September, 1998.

14.   Served as External Examiner for  the Ph. D. dissertation, “Knowledge - Based  Decision  Support System for Agricultural Land Use Development of a Watershed,” submitted by  Nisar  Ahmed, T.R., to Graduate Faculty,  Indian  Institute of  Technology, Powai, Bombay,  India,  April, 1999.

15.  Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D.  dissertation, “Some  Studies on Hydrologic and  Hydraulic Reliability Analysis in  Water  Problems,” submitted by Sanjay Kumar, to the  Faculty of Technology, University of Delhi, July, 1999.

16.  Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological  Modelling for Effective  Management  of  a  Small  Watershed,” submitted  by M. P. Tripathi, to Indian Institute  of Technology, Kharagpur, India, October, 1999.

17. Served  as  External Examiner for  the Ph. D. dissertation, “Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction Studies Using Isotope Techniques,” submitted by R. P. Nachiappan to Graduate Faculty, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, March, 2001.

18. Served  as  External Examiner for  the Ph. D. dissertation, “Group-Based Estimation of Missing Hydrological Data,” submitted by A. Elshorbagy to Graduate Faculty, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, March, 2001.

19. Served  as  External Examiner for  the Ph. D. dissertation, “Simulation of Soil Moisture Regime and Yield in the Cropped Fields,” submitted by R. K. Gupta to Graduate Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, March, 2001.

20. Served  as  External Examiner for  the Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact of Urbanization on Flood Peak in a Drainage Basin,” submitted by C. Yong to Graduate Faculty, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, March, 2001.

21. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D. dissertation, “Higher-Order Unconditionally Stable Schemes for Simulation of Flow and Transport Processes in Water Bodies,”  submitted by  Mukund R. Kulkarni to Graduate Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, February 2002.

22. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological Studies for Small Watershed Using Distributed Parameter Models,” submitted by  Ramadhar Singh to Graduate Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, June 2002.

23. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D. dissertation, “Improved Crop Production Integrating GIS and Genetic Algorithms,”  submitted by  Amor Valeriano M. Ines to Graduate Faculty, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2002.

24. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D. dissertation, “Analysis of Contaminant Transport in Groundwater Using Finite Element Method,” submitted by  C. Krishnaiah to Graduate Faculty, University of Pune, India, July 2002.

25. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological  Water Balance Modelling of a Treated Watershed,” submitted  by M. Nagdeve, to Indian Institute  of Technology, Kharagpur, India, October, March 2004.

26.  Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Spatially Distributed Simulation of an Irrigation System,” submitted  by M. K. Goel, to Indian Institute  of Technology, Roorkee, India, March, 2004.

27. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Design and Development of Soil Moisture Sensor and Computer Controlled Automated Irrigation System,” submitted  by A. Joshi, to Indian Institute  of Technology, Kharagpur, India, October, May 2004.

28. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological Data Interpolation Using Entropy,” submitted  by M. Ilunga, to University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 2004.

29. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Two-Dimensional Mixing of Conservative Pollutants in Open Channels,” submitted  by S. Singh, to Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India, November 2004.

30. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Stability Analysis of Levees,” submitted  by A.K. Singh, to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, May 2005.

31. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Cooperative Water Resources Allocation among Competing Users,” submitted by L. Wang, to University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, December, 2005.

32. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Spatio-Temporal Neural Network and Time Series Approaches in Runoff and Sediment Yield Modelling,” submitted  by C. Ramesh, to Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, January 2006.

33. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Numerical Modelling for Water Network Analysis,” submitted by A. M. M. Abd El Aal, to Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, January, 2006.

34. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Study on Groundwater Recharge Characteristics at Reclaimed Land Site,” submitted by Stephen Tan Boon Kean to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2006. 

35. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Breach Growth in Clay Dikes,” submitted by Yonghui Zhu to Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, 2006. 

36. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Drought Characterization and Forecasting-A Hybrid Approach,” submitted by Ashok Kumar Mishra to Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 2006.

37. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Development of Decision Support System for Water Resources Planning in a Watershed,” submitted by Kishor Anil Dhore to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2006. 

38. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Groundwater Remediation Strategies Uisng FEM-GA Simulation Optimzation Models,” submitted by Mastan Vali Sharief Shaik to Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 2007. 

39. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Simulation of Dam Break Hydraulics in Natural Flood Plain Topography,” submitted by Mimi Das Saikia to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2007. 

40. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Variable Parameter Flood Routing Method for Hydrological Analyses of Ungaged Basins,” submitted by Bhabagrahi Sahoo to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2007. 

41. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Efficient Operation of On-Farm Reservoir,” submitted by Gupta Sanjeev Kumar Varinder to National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India, 2007. 

42. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Modeling of Rainfall Gnerated Runoff and Sediment Yield,” submitted by Peushpendra Kumar Singh to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2007. 

43. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Optimal Monitoring Network Design for Contamination Detection and Sequential Characterization of Contaminant Plumes with Feedback Information Using Simulated Annealing and Linked Kriging ,” submitted by Deepesh Singh to Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2008. 

44. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Subsurface Barrier for Water Conservation in Lateritic Formations,” submitted by Udaykumar G. to National Institute of Technology, Manglore, India, 2008. 

45. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  M.S. thesis, “Analyses of Urban Storm Water Quantity and Quality in Singapore,” submitted by Tan Bee Ching to Nanyang Technolgoical University, Singapore, 2008.

46. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph.D. thesis, “Integrated Hydro-Economic Equity Support Water Allocation Model: An Application to the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand,” submitted by Leena Divakar to Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 2009.

47. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Seepage Analysis from Furrow Channels,” submitted by P.P. Samal to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2009. 

48. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  M.S. thesis, “Water Demand Forecasting In Umm Al-Qwain Using IWR-MAIN,” submitted by Aysha Abdulla Al Mualla to United Arab Emirates University, Al In, UAE, 2009.

49. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Hydrologic Regionalization for Flood Predictions in Ungaged Basins in Krishna basin, India,” submitted by Manoj Mujumdar to National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnatak, India, 2009. 

50. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Hydrological Modeling for Flood Flows,” submitted by S. Sarkar to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2009. 

51. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Single Reservoir and Multi-Reservoir Inflow Prediction Using Artificial Intelligent,” submitted by Alka Sunil Kote to Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 2010. 

52. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Study on Bridge Pier Scour in Clay-Sand Mixed Cohesive Beds-An Experimental Approach,” submitted by Susanta Chaudhari to Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India, 2010. 

53. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Overland Flow Modelling Using Approximate Convection-Diffusion Equations,” submitted by K.R. Vitthal to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2010. 

54. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Crop Calendar Adjustment Study in Sathnapur Irrigation System,” submitted by K. Ramakrishnan to Sastra University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India, 2010. 

55. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Optimisation of Monitoring Networks for Water Systems: Use of Information Theory, Value of Information and Public Participation,” submitted by J. L. Alfonso Segura to UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, 2010. 

56. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Engineering Approach to Design of Highly Porous Bunds as Rainwater Harvesting Structures-Hydrological and Hydraulic Studies,” submitted by S.G. Joshi to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India, 2010. 

57. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Rural to Urban Migration and Household Environmental Problems in Slums of Bangalore Metropolitan City,” submitted by S. Gowda to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India, 2010. 

58. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Studies on Evaluation of Groundwater Resources Using Geo-electrical Techniques in Some Parts of Alluvial and Hard Rock Areas of Eastern Uttar Pradesh,” submitted by S.K. Singh to Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 2011. 

59. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Reservoir Operation Considering Downstream Impact of a Hydroelectric Project,” submitted by M. R. Ray to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2011. 

60. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “2-D Depth Averaged Modelling for Curvilinear Braided Stretch of Brahmaputra River,” submitted by M.P. Akhtar to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2011. 

61. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Optimal Ecological Management Practices for Controlling Sediment and Water Yield from a Hilly Urban System within Sustainable Limit,” submitted by Banasri Sarma to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2012. 

62. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Investigations on Flow and Sediment Movement Effected by Waveform Structures,” submitted by D.K. Paul to Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2012. 

63. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Planning for Optimal Water Resources Development of Transboundary Godavari Basin,” submitted by D. Jhajharia to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2012. 

64. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Runoff Dynamics in Tank Catchments and Strategy for Tank Management-A Case Study from the Varada River Basin in Sub-Tropical Region of South India,” submitted by Mrs. T.N. Bhagwat to National  Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India, 2012. 

65. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Modeling the Influence of Storm Movement and Wind-Driven Rainfall on Overland Flow in Urban Areas,” submitted by J.M.G.P. Isidoro to University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2012. 

66. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Development of Indicators and Framework for Assessing River Health in Peri-Urban Landscapes: A Case Study of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River System,” submitted by M.U.A. Pinto to University of Western Sydney, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia, 2012. 

67. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Suitability of Subsurface Drip Irrigation for Sustainable Pasture Production in the Riverine Plain,” submitted by L. Finger to The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2013. 

68. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Optimal Planning and Operation of a Water Transfer Link,” submitted by M.K. Choudhary to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2013. 

69. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “A Practically Viable Simplified Hydrodynamic Stage-Hydrograph Routing Method,” submitted by H. Mohanty to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2013. 

70. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Climate Change Study on Hydrometeorological Variables on Different Spatio-temporal Scales,” submitted by Darshana to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2013.

71. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Study on Reactive Solute Transport Through Porous Media,” submitted by  Deepak Swami to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2014.

72. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Drought Assessment, Impacts and Farmer’s Coping Mechanism in Balochistan,” submitted by  Mr. Muhammad Ashraf to Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014. 

73. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “A Unified Approach for Estimation of Runoff and Sediment Yield from Ungagged Catchments in Submountainous Area of North India,” submitted by  Mr. K.K. Gupta to PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India, 2014. 

74. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Modelling of Soil Moisture Uptake by Plants in a Multi-layer Soil,” submitted by  Mr. Rohitashw Kumar to National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2014.

75. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Objective Assessment of Indices and Vulnerability to Drought,”  submitted by  Vinit Kumar Jain to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2014.

76. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Two- and Three-Dimensional Analysis of Flow into Ditch Drains from a Ponded Field,” submitted by Mr. Ratan Sarmah to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2014. 

77. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Optimal Protection Measures for Controlling River Bank Erosion,” submitted by Mr. Hriday Mani Kalita to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2014.

78. Served  as  External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Streamflow Modeling and Impact of Climate Change,” submitted by Mr. Laxmi Narayan Thakural to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2014.

79. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D.   dissertation, “Hydrometeorological Approach for Probabilistic Soil Moisture Simulation Usng Climate Indices,” submitted by Mr. Sarit Kumar Das to Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 2015. 

80. Served as External Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Aridity and Drought in a Non-stationary Climate,” submitted by Mr. Mohammad Amin Azadi Zarch to University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2015. 

81. Served as External Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Study of Temporal Variation of Inflow to the Dams of Rajasthan State with Special Reference to Ramgarh and Bisalpur Dams,” submitted by Mr. Naveen Kumar Gupta to Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur,  India, 2015. 

82. Served as External  Examiner for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Design of Water Management System Using Embedded Systems and Soft Computing Techniques,” submitted by Mr. Hariom Goyal to National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India, 2015. 

83. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Characterization and Hydroclimatic Prediction of Droughts in the Context of Changing Climate,” submitted by Ms. Kironmala Chanda to Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 2015. 

84. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Optimal Planning and Operation of a Water Transfer link,” submitted by Mr. Mahendra Kumar Choudhary to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2015. 

85. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Scour due to Some Hydraulic Structures in Non-Chesive Sediment Bed,” submitted by Mr. Mrinal Kanti Manik to Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India, 2016. 

86. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Exploring Influencing Factors to public Participation in Solid Waste Source-Separated Collection in China,” submitted by Mrs. Jing Ma to University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 2016. 

87. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Hydrodynamics of Vegetative Cover with Downward Seepage,” submitted by Thokchom Bebina Devi to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2016. 

88. Served as External Examiner for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Modelling Wetting Patterns in Various Soil Profiles under Drip Irrigation Systems Using Plain and Magnetized                                                        Water,” submitted by Ahmed A.M. Al-Ogaidi to Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.    

89. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Dynamics of Braided River Morphology Using Advanced Geo-spatial Technology and Modeling Techniques,” submitted by Amit Kumar Dubey to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2016. 

90. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Change in Snow Cover Area and Flow Scenario of the Brahmaputra and Bubansiri Basins due to Climate Chnage,” submitted by Swapnali Barman to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2016. 

91. Served as External Examiner for the Ph. D.  dissertation, “Economic Analysis for Modernization of Kakrapar Right Bank Main Canal (India),” submitted by Batliwala Bipinchandra J. to S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India, 2016. 

92.  Served as External  Examiner for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Study of Sediment Extractor,” submitted by Bhupendra Kishore Singh to National Institute of Technology, Kurushetra, India, 2016. 

93. Served as External  Examiner for  the  Ph. D.   dissertation, “Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover Change and Delineation of Water Harvesting Potential Zones in Arid/Semi-arid Regions of India” submitted by Thakkar Amee Das Kumar Das to Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 2017. 

94. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “River Basin Planning of Subansiri River under Climate Change Scenarios,” submitted by Shivam to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2017. 

95. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  Dissertation, “Assessing the Hydrological Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change in India with Uncertainty,” submitted by C.G. Madhusidhanan to Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2017.

96. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  Dissertation, “A Coupled Flow and Solute Transport Model for Real-Time Monitoring of Conservative River Pollutants Using Remote Sensing Observations,” submitted by Ratnakar Swain to Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 2017.

97. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  Dissertation, “Probabilistic Analysis of Flow Networks Using the Maximum Entropy Method,” submitted by Mr. Steven Waldrip to University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia, 2017.

98. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “A 2-D Coupled Surface and Sub-surface Flow Model for River Flow Simulation with Piedmont Zone,” submitted by Sudarshan Patowary to Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, 2017. 

99. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Turbulence in Wave-Currrent Combined Flow,” submitted by Mr. Santosh Kuamr Singh to Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India, 2017. 

100. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Turbulence Statistics of Wave-Current Flow over Hemisphere,” submitted by Mr. Krishnendu Barman to Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India, 2018. 

101. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Maximization of Conversion Efficiency for Offshore Wave Farms with the Help of Multicriteria Decision Making Method & Polynomial Neural Networks,” submitted by Soumya Ghosh to National Institute of Technology, Agartala, India, 2018. 

102. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Hydrogeological Implication Framework for Sustainable Groundwater Extraction,” submitted by Mr. Noorellimia Binti Mat Toridi to Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 2018. 

103. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Formulation and Validation of Hybrid Conceptual Models for Runoff Generation,” submitted by Ajay Ahirwar to Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2018. 

104. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Climate Change Impact and Water Resources Management of Blue Nile River Basin,” submitted by Tebikachew Betru Tariku to University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2018. 

105. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Development of a Conceptual Hydrological Model for Various Ecosystems of India,” submitted by Pranesh Kumar Paul to Indian Institute of Technology Karagpur, India, 2018.

106.  Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, ““Uncertainty in Streamflow Simulation of the Upper Assiniboine River Basin,” submitted by by Ameer Muhammad to University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 2018.

107. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Developing Data-Driven Fortecasting Models for Monsoon Floods in the Kosi River (India),” submitted by Mani Kumar to Brial Institute of Technology, Ranchi, India, 2018.

108. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Spatial Decision Support System for Integrated Urban Water Management,” submitted by Satya Prakash Maurya to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2018.

109. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Cross Boundary Water Conflict-A Study on River Ganga,” submitted by Suman Bera to Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, India, 2018.

110. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “Development of an Operational Inflow Forecasting System for tehri Dam,” submitted by Niraj Kumar Agrawal to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2018.

111.  Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Application of maximum Entropy Principle to Open Channel Turbulent Flow,” submitted by Manotosh Kumbhakar to Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, 2019.

112. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “A Study of Heat Transfer of Non-Newtonian Fluid in Porous Media,” submitted by Ramesh Yadav to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow, U.P., India, 2019.

113. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Dark Greywater Treatment by Filtration System and Treatment Selection by Uisng Soft Computing Tools (FMCDM & AHP),” submitted by Sharma Neelam Shantiprakash to National Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2019.

114. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Occurrence, Distribution, Resileince of Soil Organic Carbon and its Dependence On Natural and Anthropogenic Factors,” submitted by Gilbert Hinge to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, India, 2019.

115. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Applicability and Behavior of the Forchheimer and Wilkins Equations for the Velocity and Hydraulic Gradient Characteristics in Post-Lamianr Flow Through Porous Media Subjected to Parallel and Convergent Boundaries,” submitted by Ashes Banerjee to Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India, 2019.

116. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Framework for Developing Ensemble of GCMs and its Application in Cliamte Change Studies,” submitted by Titas Ganguly to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2019.

117. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Assessment of the Resilience of Indian River Basins to Droughts under Cliamte Change Conditions,” submitted by Ashutosh Sharma to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, 2019.

118. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact of Climate Change on Techno-Economical Performance of Small Scale Hydro Power Plant with the Help of New Multilevel Cognitive Decision Framweork,” submitted by Priyanka Majumder to Indian Institute of Technology Agartala, Agartala, India, 2019.

119. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Integrated Assessment of Hydrocliamtic Variability Including Streamflow Modelling of a Climatically Heterogenerous Basin in India,” submitted by Sharma Priyank Jagjivan to Indian Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2019.

120. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Understanding the Process-Resposne Mechanism of Hierarchical Nature in a Large Scale Braided River,” submitted by Chembolu Vinay to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, 2019.

121. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact of Climate Variability and Change on Droughts over India,” submitted by Vivek Gupta to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2020.

122. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrodynamic Modelling of Local Sea Level Rise and its Impact on Coastal Regions,” submitted by Naren A to Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 2020.

123. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “An Indicatior Group Based Framework for River Health Assessment,” submitted by Sonali Saxena to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2020.

124. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Management of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation,” submitted by Bhrigumani Sharma to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, 2020.

125. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Overburden and Flyash Mixed Disposal in Voids of Opencast Coal Mines and Its Impact on Water Quality,” submitted by Saba Shirin to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2020.

126. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Analysis of Land Use Capability Classification Using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques in Kabini Command Area,” submitted by M. Shivaswamy to Visvesvarya Technoliogical University, Belgaum, India, 2020.

127. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Streambed Instabilities and Nature of Turbulence around Bridge Piers in a Dredged Channel,” submitted by Abhijit Dilip Lade to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, 2020.

128. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Study of Soil Erosion and Deposition around an Island in a Natural Stream,” submitted by Snigdhadip Ghosh to National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal India, 2020.

129. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Analysis and Modeling of Climate Change Impact on Hydrological Extreme Events across India,” submitted by Mayank Suman to Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 2020.

130. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “An Integrated Study of Water Resources Managemnet on Water Scarcity and Drought for a River Basin,” submitted by J. Harsha to Visvesvarya Technoliogical University, Bengaluru, India, 2020.

131. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Flood Risk and Integrated Flood Management: A Case Study of Surat City and Surrounding Region,” submitted by Waghwala Rupal Keyur to Indian Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2020.

132. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Understanding Hydrological Processes of Lesser Himalayan Hillslopes,”  submitted by Aliva Nanda to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, 2020.

133. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Optimal River Training with Cost Effective Groyne Series,” submitted by Kaushik Bora to National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, India, 2020.

134. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Modelling Reservoir Sedimentation from Hydrographic Observations Using Hydrometric Data,” submitted by Jabbar Yazad Cyrus to Indian Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2020.

135. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological Modelling of the Transboundary Brahmaputra River for Strategic Water Management                                                       under Climate Change,” submitted by Pulendra Dutta to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, 2020.

136. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D.  dissertation, “ Soil Wetting Pattern of Nanoporous Pipe for Subsurface Irrigation System Using Imaging Technique,” submitted by Mr. Abdullahi Salisu, to Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 2020. 

137. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Modelling and Monitoring of Backscattering for Biophysical Parameter and Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-sensor Satellite Data,” submitted by Vijay Pratap Yadav to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2020.

138. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Dynamics Over Urban Landscapes Using Satellite Imagery,” submitted by Ruchi Bala to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2020.

139. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “A Framework for Assessing the Ecological Sustainability of Waste Disposal Sites in Urban Areas,” submitted by Shamim Aryampa to Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, 2021.

140. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological Demarcation of Alluvial Floodplains and Assessment of Basin Storage,” submitted by Ankit Modi to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, 2021.

141. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Turbulence and Vortex Characterization at Flow Pier Interface in Scour Modelling,” submitted by Praveen Rathod to S.V. National Institute of Technology Surat, India, 2021.

142. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Climate Extreme Studies in Changing Cliamte over India,” submitted by Bratiti Chowdhury to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, 2021.

143. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Wheat Yield Modeling for Pre-Harvest Forecasting,” submitted by Anuj Kumar to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, 2021.

144. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “A Study on Hemavathy Basin for Sustainable Management and Development of Water Resources,” submitted by K. Balakrishna to Vesvesvraya Technological University, Belgaum, India, 2021.

145. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Non-Contact Discharge Estimation Using Entropy Theory” submitted by Jitendra Kumar Vyas for the award of Ph.D. Degree to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, 2021.

146. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Defining the Nature of Metamorphism of the Litho-Units of Lesser Himalaya (Kumaun) Using Sensor Based Spectroscopic Techniques” submitted by Soumendu Shekhar Roy for the award of Ph.D. Degree to TERI School of Advanced Studies, India, 2021.

147. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation “Snow and Glacier Melt Runoff Modeling in Beas River Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques” submitted by Gopinadh Rongali for the award of Ph.D. Degree to Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2021.

148. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Scattering Model for Land Bio-geophysical Parameters Retrieval and Validation Using Multi-frequency Bistatic Scatterometer Measurements” submitted by Yadav Suraj Amarbahadur  to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2022.

149. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Rural Wastewater treatment-A Solution through Constructed Wetland,” submitted by Shruthi R. to Dayanad Sagar College of Engineering, Vesvesvraya Technological University, Bengaluru, India, 2022.

150. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Retrieval of Soil Moisture and  Biophysical Using Microwave Space-borne Observations” submitted by Jyoti Sharma to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2022.

151. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “An Integrated Approach for Management of Water Logging and Drainage Congestion in Lower Gandak Basin,” submitted by Biswajit Chakravorty to National Institute of Technology Patna, Patna, India, 2022.


152. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact of Changing Climate on the Flow Regime of River Sindh,  Kashmir,” submitted by Melath Shah to National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Hazratbal, Srinagar, India, 2022.

153. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Assessment and Monitoring of Hydrometeorological Variables and Extreme Conditions for Present and Future Climate Change Scenario” submitted by Sreeparvathy Vijay to Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 2022.

154. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Enhancement of Biosurfactant Production by Co-culture of Oil Degrading Bacteria for Efficient Oil Pollution Remediation,” submitted by Madhurya Ray to Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India, 2022.

155. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Hydrological Modelling of River Basin and Strategic Management of Watershed under different Anthropogenic and Climate Change Scenarios: A Case Study of Genale Catchment, Ethiopia,” submitted by Tufa Feyissa Negewoto Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, 2022.

156. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling of Harmu and Subarnarekha River Basin,” submitted by Mrigendra Kumar to National Institute of Technology Patna, Patna, India, 2023.

157. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Regional Meteorological Drought Characterization Using Standard Drought Indices Under Observed and Changing Climate Scenario over Uttar Pradesh, India” submitted by Shivani Gond to Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, 2023.

158. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Farm Level Irrigation Water Management Using Revolutionary Transdisciplinary Approach” submitted by Songara Jaysukh Chhaganbhai to National Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2023.

159. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Assessment of Potential Impact of Changing Climate on Future Stream flow of Mangla Watershed,” submitted by Muhammad Bilal submitted to University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, February 2023.

160. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Rainwater Harvesting in The Hilly Region of The Khapri Watershed of Dangs District (Gujarat) Using Geospatial Techniques” submitted by Guruji Ashish Laxman to National Institute of Technology Surat, Surat, India, 2023.

161. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Study of Biogeochemical and Climatological Impacts on Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes over the Indian Ocean,” submitted by Lekshmi K. to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, 2023.

162. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Design and Development of a Portable Water Monitoring System,” submitted by Jaffar Sattar to University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2023.

163. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Snow/Glacier Dynamics of Himalayan Ranges and Associated Hazards” submitted by Sandeep Kumar Mondal to Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, 2023.

164. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Quantifying And Constraining The Model Uncertainty In Future Sub-Daily Precipitation Projections,” submitted by Archana Majhi to Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, 2023.

165. Served as External  Examiner  for  the  Ph. D. dissertation, “Impact Assessment of Plantation on Microwatersheds Soils and Rainfall Partitioning ,” submitted by Chitra Shukla to Indian Institute of Technology Khatagpur, India, 2023.


Serving regularly as a peer reviewer for research proposals, journal articles and other technical contributions.


1. Proposals submitted to National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey, Army Research Office, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Bureau of Reclama­tion, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and various state agencies in Louisiana and outside.

2. Proposals submitted to National Research Council of Science and Engineer­ing, Canada.

3. Proposals submitted to Australian Research Council, Canberra, Australia.


1. Technical contributions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Geological Survey.

2.  Papers submitted to

(1) Water Resources Research,

(2) Journal of Hydrology,

(3) Journal of American Water Resources Association,

(4) ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,

(5) ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drain­age Engineering,

(6) ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,

(7) ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering,

(8) ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,

(9) ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,

(10) Journal of Geo­physical Research,

(11) Advances in Water Resources,

(12) Water Resources Management,

(13) Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics,

(14) Natural Hazards,

(15) Hydrological Sciences Journal,

(16) Trans­actions, IEEE - Geoscience and Remote Sensing Division,

(17) Irrigation Science,

(18) Transac­tions, American Society of Agricultural Engineers,

(19) Agricultural Water Management,

(20) Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences,

(21) Annals of the Association of American Geographers,

(22) Soil Science Society of America Journal,

(23) Computa­tional Statistics and Data Analysis,

(24) Hydrology Journal,

(25) Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research,

(25) Computers and Geosciences,

(27) Environmental Modelling and Software,

(28) ASCE Conferences,

(29) Journal of Environmental Economics,

(30) Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering Research, and

(31) California History.

3. Papers submitted to various symposia and conferences.

©2023 by Vijay P. Singh

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