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[10 Awards]

1. Preparing Underrepresented Scholars for Research Careers in Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine: This project was funded October 1, 2007 for a period of 4  years for approximately $ 164,000 by Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), U.S. Department of Agriculture. The PIs and Co-PI on the project include: Kemanian Armen, Clyde Munster, Kenita Rogers, Manuel Pina, Patti Smith and Vijay P Singh.

2. Partnership between U.S. and Middle East Higher Education Institutions to Build capacity in Integrated International Resource Management Expertise: The project was funded November 1, 2008, for a period of two years for $180,000 by Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), U.S. Department of Agriculture. The PIs are:  R.H. Mohtar (PI), M.E. Barber, A. Gera, S.R. Grattan, R. Kanwar, A. Marei, M. Schweitzer, M. Shatanawi, A. Shaviv, V.P. Singh, A. Tamimi, and M.  Walter.

3. India-AKI Project on Water Management and M.S. Sandwich Program: This project was funded November 1, 2006, for a period of two years for $240,000 by Agricultural Foreign Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The PIs were:  R. Kanwar (PI), R.H. Mohtar, V.P. Singh, P. Kalita, R. Lal, and M.  Walter.

4. Hydrological Drought Characterization for Texas under Climate Change, with Implications for Water Resources Planning and Management (2009TX334G): The project was funded for $235,148.00 by the 2009 NIWR/USGS National Competitive Grant Program for a period of 3 years beginning with August 1, 2009.

5. Gathering and Disseminating GIS-based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Tools: This project was funded for $20,000.00 by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado for a year and half beginning with May 2009.

6. IPA Assignment to Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory, Engineer Research and development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 7-1-2012 through 8-31, 2012, for  42,483.97.

7. IPA Assignment to Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory, Engineer Research and development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 7-25-2013 through 5-31, 2015, for 184,816.71.

8. A New Platform for Maximizing Irrigation Water Use Efficiency under Drought, Reduced Flows and Water Restrictions: This project was funded by TAMALS, TAMEES and TAMALES, Texas A&M University, for $245,706.00 for a period from January 2014 to July 2015.   

9. IPA Assignment to Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory, Engineer Research and development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 6-1-2015 through 3-31, 2017, for $ 180,832.90.

10. The Use of Modeling, Monitoring and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Watershed Management in Bisha Watershed, Aseer Province, Saudi Arabia, project subcontracted with King Khalid University, March 1, 2020 through February 2023, for $ 45,192.


[46 Awards]

1.  Stochastic Modeling of Streamflow with a Physical Basis:  This project was funded October l, l98l for two years for approxi­mately $370,000 by National Science Foundation under the  University - Industry  Cooperative  Program. The cooperating  agencies  include Dames and Moore, Inc., Washington, DC and the University of Mississippi.  The LSU portion of funds is approximately $23,300 for the first year and $26,000 for the second year.

2.  Free Boundary Problems in Water Resource Engineering:  This project was funded by National Science Foundation for l0 months starting on January l, l982, for approximately $ l0,755.

3.  A Physically Based Approach to Streamflow Synthesis for Ungaged Basins:  This project was funded by the Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department  of Interior, for 9 months starting on January l, l982, for approxi­mately $l6,920.

4.  A Hydrologic Analysis of the Amite River Basin, Louisiana: This project was funded January l, l983 for one year by Department of Urban and Community Affairs, State of Louisiana. The amount of funding is $5l,466, and the other principal investigator is Dr. J. M. Hill.

5.  Quantifying the Effect of Land Use Changes on Streamflow with Particular Reference to Basins   in Louisiana:  This project was funded by Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Interior, for l year starting on June l, l983, for approxi­mately $l9,550.

6.   Experimental Set-up to Investigate Dynamic Interaction between Surface and Subsurface Flows:  This project was funded June l,  l984, for l8 months by National Science Foundation for approxi­mately $l8,269. The other principal investigator is Dr. T.H. Illangasekare.

7.  Validation of a Physically Based Approach to Streamflow Synthesis:  This project was funded  August l5, l984, for 3 years by the National Science Foundation under the US-Italy  Cooperative Science Program for $l5,l26. The participating scientists from Italy are Professor Lucio Ubertini of the University of Perugia and Professor Luigi Natale of the University of Pavia.

8.  Assessment of Uncertainty in Hydrologic Models for Flood Frequency Analysis:  This project was funded by the U.S.  Department of  Interior through  Louisiana  Water  Resources Research Institute, for one year starting on October l, l984, for approximately $l9,000.

9.  Annual Cooperative Program for Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute:  This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Interior through the Geological Survey, for one year starting October l, l984, for $ll5,000; this money was used to support five water resources research projects through LWRRI.

l0.  A Multivariate Stochastic Analysis of Flood Magnitude, Duration and Volume:  This project was funded by the U.S.  Department of  Interior through  Louisiana  Water  Resources  Research Institute, for one year starting October l, l985, for $l7,800.

ll.  Annual Cooperative Program for Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute:  This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Interior through the Geological Survey, for one year starting October l, l985, for $l09,000; this money was used to support five water resources research projects through LWRRI.

l2.  International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses:  This project was funded by the Department of the Army, U.S. Army Laboratory Command, Army Research Office for one year starting March 5, l986, for  $9,903;  the other principal investigator is  Dr. T. H. Illangasekare.

l3.  A Multivariate Stochastic Analysis of Flood Magnitude, Duration and Volume:  This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, through the Louisiana  Water Resources Research Institute, for one year starting September l, l986, for $38,000.

l4.  International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses:  This project was funded by the National Science Foundation for one year starting April l, l986, for $8,7l3.

l5.  Annual Cooperative Program for Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute:  This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Interior,  Geological  Survey,  for one year starting  September l, l986, for $ll5,000; this money was used to support five water resources research projects through LWRRI.

l6.  International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis:  This project was funded by Woodward Clyde Consultants, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for one year starting in April l986, for $500.

l7.  International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis:  This project was funded by  Geological  Survey,  U.S.  Department of  Interior,  for one year starting in May l986, for $2,000.

l8.  LADOTD 24-hour  Rainfall  Frequency  Maps: This project was funded by the Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, for $56,500 for two years starting with August l5, l989.

l9.  Hydroclimatic  Regionalization of  Flooding  Variability:  A  Combined  Climatic-Stochastic  Approach: This project was in cooperation with Drs. K. K. Hirsch­boeck, R. A. Muller and  J.F. Cruise, and was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey for $323,043 for a period of 3 years starting with August l5, l989.

20.  A Continuum Model for Streamflow Synthesis:  This project was funded by the Department of Army,  Army  Research  Office,  for  $280,029,  for a  period of  3  years starting with November l,  l989.  The project was in cooperation with  Dr.  E.S.  Joseph of  Southern University.

21. Enhancement of Subsurface Environment Research Laboratory:  This project is in cooperation with Drs. D. Roy and D.D. Adrian, and was funded by the  Louisiana  Education  Quality Support Fund (LEQSF) - Enhancement Program,  for  $200,000  for a  period of one year beginning July 1, 1991.

22. Enhancement of Subsurface Environment Research Laboratory: This project is in cooperation with Drs. D. Roy, D.D. Adrian, W.D.  Constant, and K.T.  Valsaraj, and was funded by the Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund (LEQSF) - Enhancement Program, for $100,000 for a period of one year beginning with July 1, 1992.

23. Standards Evaluation for Diked Wetlands Non-Point Discharges of Sugar Factory Wastewater to Receiving Waters:  This project is in cooperation with Drs. D.D. Adrian and K. Ro, and was funded by the Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute for $18,000.00 (Federal Funds) and  $36,000.00 Non-Federal Funds for a period of one year beginning with October 1, 1995.

24.  River Diversion Feasibility Study:  This project was funded by the  Louisiana  Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) for $2,500 for a period of 10 months beginning with June 20, 1995.

25.  Assessment of Water Quality Monitoring Networks - Design and Redesign: This project is in cooperation with Drs. N.B. Harmncioglu, M.N. Alpaslan, P. Whitfield, M. Fiorentino, P. Literathy, and N. Mikhailov by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for BF 800,000.00 for a period of 2 years beginning with October 1, 1995.

26.  Integrated  Approach to Environmental  Data  Management  Systems:  Advanced  Research Workshop September 16-20, 1996, in Izmir, Turkey.  This project is funded in cooperation with Drs. N.B.Harmancioglu, M.N. Alpaslan, and N. Mikhailov by the  North  Atlantic  Treaty Organization (NATO) for BF 1,200,000.00 for a period of one year beginning with December 1995.

27. Information Theory for Hydrologic Design of Transportation Systems. This project is funded in cooperation with Dr. D.D. Adrian by the Louisiana Transportation Research Center for $ 19,991 for a period of one year beginning with June 1, 1997.

28.  Development of  Hydrological  Theory for  Simulating  Pollutant  Removal in Constructed  Wetlands. This project is funded in cooperation  with  Dr. D.D.  Adrian by the  Louisiana Transportation Research Center for $ 19,991 for a period of one year beginning with June 1,1997.

29.   Cumulative Effects of Flood Induced Seepage on Piping  Problems  Associated with Levee  Failures: Experimental and Field Investigations with Analytical Modeling for Risk Assessment. This project is funded in cooperation with Drs. D.D. Adrian and J. Pardue by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District, Vicksburg, Mississippi, for $ 206,686 for a period of three years beginning with August 1, 1999. 

30.  Investigation of the Effect of the Direction, Spatial Coverage and Temporal Distribution of  Rainfall on  Watershed  Flooding. This project is  funded by the Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute for $ 20,850 (federal) and $41,936 (non-federal) for a period of one year beginning with March 1, 2000.

31.  Flood Damage Prevention Using Remotely Sensed Data and a Mesoscale Atmospheric Model.   This project is  in cooperation with Dr.  V. Aravamuthan of  Louisiana  Water Resources  Research Institute, and Dr. J. F. Cruise of the University of Alabama at Huntsville. It is funded by  NASA-Solid  Earth and  Natural  Hazards  Division  for a  period of 3 years beginning with April 1, 2000. The LSU portion is $ 110,000.

32. Hurricane Engineering: A Planet at Risk. This project is funded by National Science Foundation for $ 500,000 for a period of three years beginning with July 1, 2000, and is in cooperation with Drs. M. Levitan, E. J. Macari, W.M. Moe, and B. Wolshon.

33. Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production. This project is funded by NATO-Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division for about $32, 000 for a  period of one and half years year beginning with January 1, 2000. It is in cooperation with Professor N. B. Harmancioglu of Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey; Dr. N.N. Mikhailov of National Oceanographic Data Centre of Russia; and Mr. P. Geerders of P. Geerders Consultancy, The Netherlands.

34. Flood Risk mapping of the New Orleans Area. This project is in cooperation with Dr. D.D. Adrian. It was funded by Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute for $ 19,960 with a non-federal match of $43559 for a period of one year beginning with March 1, 2002.

35. A Water Quality Decision Model for the Identification of Priority Sites for the Implementation of Best Management Practices to Maintain Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Ouachitaq River Basin. This project was funded by Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality for about $654,000 for a period of 3 years beginning with January 15, 2002.  It is  in cooperation with Ms. E. Roider, Dr. D.D. Adrian, Dr. G. Hammitt, and Dr. J. Pardue.

36. Assessment and Remediation of Public Health Impacts due to Hurricanes and Major Flooding Events. This project was funded by Millennium Trust Health Excellence Fund for $ 3,685,490 for a period of 5 years beginning with January 1, 2002. It is in cooperation with Drs. I. Van Heerden and 14 others.

37. Development of a Surface Water Quality, Management and Modeling Laboratory. This was funded by Louisiana Board of Regents Enhancement Program (2001-2002, BOR Funds) for $117,540 with college Funds $2,660 and match $23,640 for a period of one year beginning with July 2001. It is in cooperation with Drs. K.A. Rusch and R.F. Malone.

38. The Marshland Upwelling System for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment: Transfer to Private Camps. This is funded by NOAA through National Sea Grant Program for $ 204,604 with Federal Funds of $ 102,121.00 and LSU match of $ 53,922 for a period of two years beginning with October 1 2002. It is in cooperation with Dr. K.A. Rusch.

39. Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Wetland Ecosystems. This is funded by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) for $ 308,943 with Federal Funds of $ 258,028 and LSU match of $ 50,914 for a period of two years beginning with  June 10, 2002. It is in cooperation with Drs. V. Aravamuthan, J.N. Suhayda, J. Ramanujam, D. Koppelman, G. Thiagarajan, and R.F. Twilley.

40. Development of a Student Exchange Program between Canada, Mexico and United States in Environmental Sciences and Engineering and Natural Hazards. This is funded by U.S. Department of Education-North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for $203,999 for a period of four years beginning with September 1, 2003. It is in cooperation with Professor R.S. Govindaraju of Purdue University, with his portion as $55,571.

41. Quantifying Hydrologic Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Variability of Stream Water Quality in Coastal Louisiana. This project is funded by Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute for $ 19,925 with a non-federal match of $39,850 for a period of one year beginning with March 1, 2004.

42. Hydrologic Impacts on Water Quality of Coastal Inland Streams in Southeast Louisiana. This project is funded by Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Louisiana State University for $ 9,940 for a period of 7 months beginning with January 1, 2004.

43. Probabilistic Assessment of the Effectiveness of BMPs in Coastal Louisiana. This project is funded by Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute for $ 16,500 with a non-federal match of $33,500 for a period of one year beginning with March 1, 2005.

44. Saltwater Intrusion Management with Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater. This project is funded by Water Resources Research-National Competitive Grants Program of U.S. Geological Survey, for $ 200,502 with a non-federal match of $33,500 for a period of three years beginning with September 1, 2005.

45. International Symposium on Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality held May 21-24, 2006, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This project is in cooperation with Dr. Y.Jun Xu and funded by BP for $75,000 for a period of 1 year.

46. International Symposium on Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality held May 21-24, 2006, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This project is in cooperation with Dr. Y.Jun Xu and is funded by Shaw Group for $7,000 for a period of 1 year.


[8 Awards]

l.   A  Hydrodynamic  Study of  Surface  Runoff:  This project was funded by  National Science  Foundation for one year starting on March l, l979, for approximately $33,000.

2. Free Boundary Problems in Water Resource Engineering:  This project was funded by National Science  Foundation for two years beginning with  November l,  l978, for approximately $l40,000.

3.  Mathematical Models of Water Yield with Particular Reference to Mississippi Watersheds:  This project was funded by Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Interior for three years starting on October l, l979, for approximately $66,000.

4.  Stochastic Modeling of Streamflow with a Physical Basis:  This project was funded by National  Science Foundation for three years beginning with July l, l980, for approximately $l00,000.

5.   International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling:  This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology for l5 months beginning with July l, l980, for approximately $7,000.

6. International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling:  This project was funded by the Army Research Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for l2 months beginning with January l, l98l, for approximately $7,500.

7. International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling:  This project was funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza­tion, Division of Water Resources for  l2 months beginning with January l, l980, for approximately $7,000.

8. International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling: This project was funded by National Science Foundation for l2 months beginning with January l, l98l for approximately $30,000.


[2 Awards]

l.   A Hydrodynamic Study of Surface Runoff:  This  project  was  funded  by  National  Science Foundation for two years starting on August l, l977 for approximately $55,000.

2.   Free Boundary Problems in Water Resource Engineering; This project was funded by National Science Foundation for two years starting on September l, l978 for approximately $2l0,000.


[3 Awards]

l.    A Systematic Investigation of Watershed Runoff:  This project was funded by the Office of  Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Interior, through  New Mexico Water  Resources Research Institute for two years beginning with  July l, l975  for approximately $25,000.

2.   Geochemical and Hydrological Investigation of Groundwater Recharge in the Roswell Basin of New Mexico:   This project was developed in collaboration with two other co-principal investigators,  and was funded by the Office of Water Research and  Technology,  U.S. Department of Interior, through New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, for three  years starting on July l, l975, for approximately $70,000.

3.   Hydrodynamics of Surface Runoff:  This project was developed in collabora­tion with two other co-principal investigators,  and was funded by  National Science Foundation for two years starting on January l, l977 for approxi­mately $l80,000.

©2023 by Vijay P. Singh

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